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What's Your Battle Cry?

Writer's picture: Dylan ReedDylan Reed

We have all seen the movies and TV shows where there is one good guy who is surrounded and the odds are stacked against him. He's cornered with no way out except to go out in the blaze of glory or surrender and lose everything he has. The enemy is on all sides and has him completely outnumbered 20 to 1. We all jump to the edge of our seats and wonder how it is that he's going to make it out of this one or if he will even live to see another day. Why does this grip us so much? Why do we get drawn in to the point that those few minutes of the stand off are so connected to our inner emotions? Why is it that we can relate and in some ways feel their fear and pains and sufferings? Why does their screaming charge into battle almost rally us to our feet to join them as if we were right there beside them?

The reason to most of these questions is because you can relate to that person on such a personal level. You have felt surrounded and beaten down at some point in your life. You've felt like everything in the world was against you at every turn until you were at the point of breaking. You saw no way out for yourself and when you looked around you didn't see anyone who had your back. You had the enemy looking you in the face telling you that you'd never make it and that you were destined to fail. You felt the weight of your burdens making your shoulders heavy until the chains of bondage almost suffocated you. Maybe you're there now. Maybe when watching that person go through those struggles and coming out on the other side gives you hope that you too can make it out of your spiraling tunnel. Maybe you are battling the enemy on all sides and each time you feel like you throw one off your back two more jump on. Maybe you're looking around for the answer of where to go or how to get out of the battle you're in.

See the Lord brought this message to me one day while I was in the car driving up to my hunting camp for a meeting. I was singing in my car like I do almost everyday and I was really getting into the music and was just praising and worshiping Him. All of a sudden the mood in the car changed as I was driving up the mountain and it was like everything around me became silent and still even though the music was up a little bit and I could hear the sound of tires on the dirt road before. I felt questions run through my mind and an overwhelming sadness come over me. I began to feel the pain of people who had been feeling these things and I began to weep. I could feel their battles and hear their voices as they questioned whether they were worthy and whether they were going to make it out of their situation. The Lord put it in my heart that their battle cry had disappeared and their faith and strength to go on was wavering. This is where God asked me a direct question. He asked, "Will your battle cry be the things of this world or will it be of Me and what I have done and will do for you?"

See that question hit me hard and I was weeping so hard from His sheer presence and the pain they were in that I almost had to stop driving as I cried out praises to Him. I knew I had been through battles in life and there were times where I didn't see a way out but I always knew He had my back and was prepared to fight the battle for me if only I'd let Him. It hit me there in that moment that there were many who hadn't had that pleasure or who just would rather let the world get the glory for what He did instead of turning to him like they should. As I began to think about this more I began to reflect on what all I had felt and what all I had experienced. I knew God had brought this to me for a reason and I knew the questions that were asked of me, but I knew before I brought this message to you the Lord would need to tell me it was time and provide the scripture for it. See He will never give a message of that magnitude that doesn't align and have a purpose with His word. It was a few days later that He provided the scripture, Isaiah chapter 12:1-6 and He has now told me it is time to bring it to you because He no longer wants you to turn to the things of this world but rather to turn and sing your praises to Him.

1 In that day you will sing: “I will praise you, O Lord! You were angry with me, but not any more. Now you comfort me. 2 See, God has come to save me. I will trust in Him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; He has given me victory.” 3 With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! 4 In that wonderful day you will sing: “Thank the Lord! Praise His name! Tell the nations what He has done. Let them know how mighty He is! 5 Sing to the Lord, for He has done wonderful things. Make known His praise around the world. 6 Let all the people of Jerusalem shout His praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you.” (Isaiah 12:1-6 NLT)

Here Isaiah saw the victory that we would all have in Jesus and the song that would reverberate from the battle cries in that day. He saw a time in the future and I am here to tell you that you are living in that day right now! You are living in the day that Lord has made and it is the day of your victory because of the victory He has already won. He paid the price and already fought the battles. He alone holds the keys of victory in His hands because He alone has already broken the grip of death and the bondage of sin! Why is it then that you drink from His salvation but still allow yourself to be burdened with the pains of this life thinking you are alone? There is not a single place you could ever go or a single fight you could ever face that He hasn't foreseen and hasn't overcome. He has seen every trap that the enemy has laid for you and He has already provided an escape route for you. There's no storm too big that He can't conquer and get you out of and safely to the other side.

It's too often that we discount His grace and think that once we pray to Him one time and don't get an answer that He just won't get us out of it. Or maybe we just think that He wants us to go through it and suffer cause we are unworthy and don't deserve His grace. There's a lot of us who will just turn to the things of this world for our answers. Maybe its the self help book a coworker recommended to you or maybe its just sipping at the wine bottle after work to take the tension off from the long hard day. Are you turning to substances to fill the void and numb the pain or are you just ignoring God because you don't like the answer He may have for you? Is it easier to turn to alcohol and cigarettes to help with the stress? Do you resort to worse because you think God isn't capable to handle it? Are you making magazines like Vanity Fair and others your battle cry for how to live life and allowing them to define who you are? See God's grace and mercy is more than enough, but when you turn to these things does your storm ever really get smaller or does it just grow exponentially?

In the midst of your storm and battle who will you look to and what will you submit to? Will you rise up and declare victory because you are a child of the most high God or will you submit to the copping mechanisms of the world? Will your battle cry be Bud Lite, Jim Beam, crack cocaine, marijuana…or will you cling to the firm rock of your salvation? And in your depression, fear, pain, anguish, struggle, or failure will you declare the blood of Jesus over your life and walk out on the other side as an overcomer? How far are you willing to go in the midst of your storm? Will you face the raging waters? Will you keep your eyes on Jesus and the light on the other side of your darkest hour? Or will you sink beneath the waters and allow yourself to drown in the problems of this world? Peter faced this same battle and I'm here to tell you that Jesus is the victory of your battle and will pull you from the waters regardless of how far you’ve sank.

But it won't stop there! If you grab His hand and keep your eyes on Him your enemies will be scattered and sent running for the hills. Make Him alone your battle cry and there will be no storm too big, no river to wide, no land to hostile, no distance to far and no battle to fierce that you won't overcome with a joyous heart. You will have the song in your heart praising Him for all He has done and you will be shouting His glory from every mountain you climb! You will be the testimony to those around you and everyone will know that your God is more than capable. Get your praise on and cry out to Him to meet you in the midst of your storm no matter how dark it may seem. Shout, "Oh Lord, I need you now" and you will see Him with legions of angels ready to take on your battles while He comforts you. Wear the armor of God boldly and when the battle is over sing the praise of His victory as He sets you on higher ground above the attacks of the enemy. There will be no enemy encampment that can be established within your borders when He is your battle cry because He will send them running in fear! These are the days that Isaiah spoke of and you have been chosen specifically for these days. Arm yourself with the fruit of the spirit and the word of God and prepare for the victory that the Lord is ready and willing to provide. I challenge you now, make Him your song, make Him your battle cry, stand your ground, don't give the enemy an inch, and when the battle field has cleared give Him the praise and glory for it all!! This is the generation that is meant to rise and show the world the great glory and grace of God! This is the generation that will bring about more miracles than ever before seen because we have His battle cry deep in our hearts. It is time for the world to know the joyous day of the Lord and to feel the grace that is pouring out abundantly from His throne to every tribe and nation that will hear His word!!

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