Very soon, court will again be held. Evidence will be presented and discussed. Much deliberation will take place and there will be evidence and facts that will be argued for a slurry of reasons by both sides. The most condemning evidence will be sought to be used by the defense and that same evidence will be demanded to be thrown out by the plaintiff in their effort to seek remedy in their complaint.
In history, the defendant has been the subject of countless trials. The defense has had a great number of expert witnesses who testified in truth on the defendant's behalf and they knew each and every law which had been handed down. These expert witnesses were bright and bold and always prepared.
On the other hand, the plaintiffs ( also known in legals as the complaintants ) have expert witnesses of their own. These complaintant witnesses argue that the times are changing and that the church must change to adapt to the needs and demands of the changing world.
God, the defendant, has seen His church go through many trails with His witnesses defending Him against the world, but this time, with the support of the world, it is the church that now has HIM on trial.
In the past, He was tried and found guilty on all counts. He was found guilty of creating the heavens, the earth, man and woman and the sanctity of marriage. He was found guilty when His hand parted the Red Sea and delivered the Isrealites from bondage. He was found guilty when he shut the mouths of lions and Daniel walked away without a scratch. He was found guilty of feeding five thousand from a sack lunch. He was found guilty of walking among three men in a fiery furnace and delivering them without even the smell of smoke. He was found guilty of Jesus' healing of the sick, making blind men see, walking on water, raising Lazarus from the dead, found guilty of sending the messiah and found guilty in defeating death, hell and the grave on a wooden cross on Calvary - just to name a few.
But this trial is diffferent. The plaintiffs seek to find Him " NOT GUILTY " this time in what is considered sin today.
Not guilty in recognizing some sin.
Not guilty in confessing some sin.
Not guilty in demanding repentance of some sin.
Not guilty in judgement against some sin.
And not guilty in the condemnation of some sin.
Let us not forget it was God who sent Jesus to die to save us from our sins...that's what the Bible says....and if man chooses to not admonish all sin, repent from it and seek forgiveness - there will be no forgiveness ( Eziekiel 18, v 30) and Jesus will have died for nothing.
In the words of Billy Graham
" The Bible commands it, our wickedness demands it, justice requires it, Christ preached it and God expects it. The divine, unalterable edict is still valid: “God commands all men everywhere to repent.”
Very trying times indeed.