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THE SNARE OF MAN - do you know the warning signs?

Writer's picture: Bryan Dale HeadleyBryan Dale Headley

The path to the snare may be hard to recognize.

If you enjoy hunting and want to know some methods to successfully take game, simply read the laws written against ways of taking them.

In many states it is illegal to take game with the use of motorized vehicles, the ability to shoot more than three consecutives times, to "shine" or use bright lights at night or to bait or feed to lure an animal. These are just a few of the common laws one might recognize.

So, why have some ways been deemed as illegal? To protect the animals from certain destruction!

But long before the invention of modernized weapons and methods, there were much more simplistic ways of hunting such as pits, deadfalls and traps, but none were more cunning nor deadly than the snare.

A snare can be made from any material allowing you to form a loop, or noose, that will enable the noose to become smaller and tighter when resistance is apllied. The snares effectiveness is twofold in that the resistance wears the animal down while the tightening of the noose suffocates it's victim.

To set the snare effectively, the hunter uses readily found items such as tree limbs and briars in which to force the prey to travel down a determined path.

As the path becomes more narrow and condensed it will force the prey to continue towards what appears to be the way out. The light at the end of that passageway is the noose. The prey is fooled by deception into it's demise.

In the book of Proverbs chapter 29, v. 25 it is written " The fear of man will prove to be a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord is kept safe."

So what does this teach us? Consider the things happening in our country and the acceptance of sin within today's church. There is a movement presently occuring where "the snare of man" has been deceptively set.

The path of the trap becomes lined with the pressures of condoning, acceptance, tolerance and fear of losing good friends and family relationships. Over some time the path towards the snare gets even more cumbersome to travel as one struggles with finding some kind of balance and middle ground in faith and love. As the pressures, the balance and the fear becomes unbearable, it can seem the best way to make peace is to just take the passageway of escape, or to give into the movement. ... This is the snare of man - applied to deadly perfection.

But, the Bible says in the book of Job chapter 28, v 28

And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”

Consider this - in the example of the prey, it had no fear of the noose because it lacked the wisdom and had not the knowledge to turn from it. But in the example of man, man has the wisdom of the noose but lacked the faith and courage to turn from it.

Take into consideration the path towards the snare....the path that you may be on right now....visualize it in your mind. All the pressures from your peers, or friends, or family, or possibly even at a passageway becoming so narrow while carrying a weight that is getting heavier with each step - and the air....the air is getting so thin and you are in great spiritual panic just to even breathe at times. Maybe you have lost appetite, not been sleeping well, bad dreams, irritable, or have become reclusive from events or church?

If this describes your situation, you could be feeling the effects of the snare of man.

There is only one true way in which to escape the snare and that is by standing firm upon the solid word of God. We MUST be as the unashamed workman described in 2 Timothy chapter 2, v 14 - 26. The entire letter to Timothy is about preserving and holding true to God's word while rebuking and correcting those who have become lost and confused. Paul also warns Timothy to be on guard against those who oppose the teaching of sound doctrine.

Ecclesiastes 7 : 26, it is written

" I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare. "

The Holy Bible warns us about man's acceptance of sin and explicitly says to turn from it at it's first onset. Not only are we to turn from it, we are also commanded to 2 Timothy 4,:2 " preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction".

In Matthew 7, v 1 - 6, Jesus speaks about judging others. He teaches about us seeing the speck in our brothers eyes, but not noticing the log within our own. Notice Jesus did NOT go on to say that specks and logs ( sin ) in either or all of our eyes are acceptable, He said to remove your sin so you can see clearly to remove the sin in your brother.

For those of you who say we are not to judge, read Matthew 7, 1 - 6 from your own Bible with extra consideration of verse 6. When sin begins it's grip on someone, God says it is our responsibility to aid in their correction. Consider the difference of " aiding them in their correction " compared to " judging them in their condemnation "......the difference is clear, and so is God's expectation of us. Judgement is left to Jesus, correction is left to us.

In closing, God gave us His laws to protect us from certain destruction. Educate yourself on His laws because the devil is hunting YOU and he is using every lure to get you into his snare. Beware of the snare - and the path of which leads to it....for it is the path that provides your only warning and you must know the signs and turn away immediately!

Your comments welcome.


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