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The last great division?

Writer's picture: Bryan Dale HeadleyBryan Dale Headley

Luke 12 : 51, Jesus said -

51 " Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!"

Many feel we are in a political war in America with everyone taking sides of either the right or left. Many of the political divisions are the same ones folks have argued about for years..

But are we really in a "polical" war, or could it be instead a "religious" war?

Consider the arguments of each side of the political isle..then break it down to the lowest common denominator to find the basis of their arguments.

The greatest division may not be happening on the news, the coffee shop nor The White House. Perhaps the greatest division is happening in a whisper within the walls of our nations churches.

Many denominations have held or are holding special meetings to debate and actually vote on their stand on the issue of sin and are rewriting their beliefs and definitions to fit the changing demands of the world.

My question is who in the world gave man the right to vote on what is sin and what isn't when God's word clearly defines it?

I hear the cliche talk about how " times have changed " or " are changing " as an excuse and no one could argue that fact, but it is written that the word of God never changes ( Malachi 3 :6 and many others ).

The Bible from which I read clearly explains to me that the word of God doesn't change to fit my sinful lifestyle, but rather I am to change my sinful lifestyle to fit the word of God. ( this is repentance, a word viewed much too demanding by some pulpits )

It is also written (Mat. 7, 21-23) that on " that day" many are going to profess all the great works they had done in Jesus name. Jesus reply is condemnation for them " who practiced lawlessness " and for them to depart His presence for He never knew them. " Practiced lawlessness " means just what it says - to not keep God's laws. Do you think this describes some of the happenings in the church today? I think it is exactly that.

I do want to note that when I say church, I definately do not mean every church, every pastor or every Christian but I want to emphasize that the current issues are affecting every church, every pastor and every Christian..everywhere.

Now as for me and my house, we will worship the Lord...and we will also stand for what He commands me to stand for as well as standing against what He commands me to stand against and I will do just that in His name and honor, not of my own.

No man will enter having one foot in heaven and the other in the world....

So I ask, where are your feet today?

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