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It's Time to Get Drenched!

Writer's picture: Dylan ReedDylan Reed

What is your prayer life like? Is it an obsession for the Lord and His word? Do you seek Him out with all your heart? Are you pouring out everything you have into the God of all things, the One who breathed life into you and knew you before you were ever conceived? Are you so thirsty that you can't drink from Him enough and find yourself longing for His presence more and more? Are you ready to be part of the generation that brings back the miraculous signs that this word desperately needs? Are you ready to stand up and receive a manifestation of God that hasn't been seen since the days of Moses, Elijah, Paul and Jesus? Are you ready to work in all nine gifts of the Spirit? Are you personally ready to be a living testimony to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will for your life?

If you can't answer yes to all of these things then we need to get you prepared because the Lord is ready to drench you in His Spirit like He never has before! See I can see all the things going on in the world. I see the apostasy, the great falling away, of believers from the Church. I can see those who want to play church and show up to say they attend but don't want to move in the Spirit of God. It's sad to see, but it was foretold and God has allowed it to happen and I believe the reason why is seriously important. You may say but how could it be so important for this to happen. Take a moment with me and hear me out cause I believe this revelation is important.

We are coming up on the first generation to not be lead in church. We have arrived at the first generation in America and western cultures that haven't been raised in the church or even know God. We have come to the first generation since the time of Christ that doesn't really know Jesus and the word of God. That's crazy right? It's insane to think that we have a generation that doesn't know how to pray, how to fast, how to fight spiritual battles, and how to come against the enemy in their path! Why would God allow this to happen? Think about it, He wants His people to seek Him out and love Him with all their souls.

This is important though! Look at our brothers and sisters over seas who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. They never heard the word before so when it comes around they flock to it, the seek it, they hunger for it, they are obsessed with it, they fall in love and have a greater faith than almost anyone because they have lived the oppression that no one in our society can fully understand! God is setting this generation up to be the generation of signs and wonders. He is setting this generation up to be the ones who are obsessed with Him even more and more because He is going to stand in the gap and pour out His Spirit on all people. How is this going to happen if none of these people know Him or seek Him? It's going to be the greatest revival that the world has ever seen!!!

28 “Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. 29 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike. 30 And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth— blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives. 32 But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape, just as the Lord has said. These will be among the survivors whom the Lord has called. (Joel 2:28-32 NLT)

Where does this begin? This begins with each and everyone of us who know the word of God rising up to the occasion and providing a foundation for those who need to hear it! It is time to bring back the tent meetings of old, but we are going to take it to the next level. The fire of God is going to pour out from His throne room and miracles are going to occur in greater numbers than before. They had the spirit of Elijah but let me tell you this, we have to pick up the mantel and raise up the generation of Elisha with a double portion of those before us! It is time to bring healing to the broken, to bring about a love and compassion that is only of God, to spread the word of God because we can no longer keep it to ourselves, to prophesy and see the manifestation of wonders that have been dormant for decades. We are the generation that is going to call the remainder of God's people home to Him.

This generation doesn't need to dip their fingers in the Lord's mercy, they don't need to to just be ankle deep, they don't need just a sprinkling of God, but they need to get drenched in the Spirit. This outpouring is going to be the greatest ever, but it's going to take action! This movement is going to take more than just faith, because faith without comparable action is wasted. If we aren't willing to live and do what we have been called to do then we will never see the movement of God in our lives and those around us. It is time to fast and pray and be prepared to receive the blessings that God is ready to provide. I am praying for a revival to take place that is greater than ever before. I want to see the generation who doesn't know God come home to Him and get soaked with the love of God greater than anyone could ever imagine! It's time for the Living Waters and the oil of God to overflow on each person greater than any rainstorm or hurricane could ever muster!

The Lord said that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit on all people, men and women alike. It doesn't matter if you are a servant, a slave, a broken spirit, or even a sinner just set free. At the cross we are all the same because He is not a chooser of person but rather discerns the desires of your heart. Receive the fullness of the Spirit in your life and and be baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is time for the Church to rise up and operate in the gifts of the Spirit that have been promised to us. Get drenched in the Spirit of God and pour it out unto your brothers and sisters! Let the revival begin!!!

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