It is written in the 12th chapter of Leviticus where Moses was given the Laws of Motherhood by the Lord. On the day of giving birth to a male child, a woman was deemed unclean for a period of 7 days as in her menstruation, then remain in the blood of her purification for 33 more days. 7 plus 33 equals 40 days.
The 40 days is key to remember here as you will read later.
In the 2nd chapter of Luke beginning with verse 21, it is written that in accordance to the law that when the days of her purification were completed, Joseph and Mary presented Jesus at the temple along with their offering for the Lord. It was Simeon who would hold the baby Jesus and prophesy Him to be "The light of revelation to the gentiles ".
This event would later lead to The Feast of Presentation and The Feast of Purification around the 4th century. It is thought that candles were introduced to the celebration in the 5th century with the candlelight being representative of Jesus Christ, the light of the world. The celebration became known then as Candlemas.
Candlemas Day would also mark the midpoint between winter and spring. Clergy would bless and pass out candles on this day thinking superstitiously that if the weather was sunny, one would expect a long and rough winter. On the otherhand if it were cloudy this day, spring would arrive soon.
It is recorded that German influence introduced the hedgehog as the predictor in if it seen it's shadow on Candelmas Day there would then be a " second winter ". When German immigrants brought the tradition to America, they then adopted the groundhog as the predictor due to it's plentifullness. This series of events lead us to what we celebrate each year on February 2nd - Groundhog Day.
So now you may remember me writing 40 days being of significance to linking this day to the Bible?
We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25th...and because of His birth and the obedience to the Law of Motherhood given to Moses by God, 40 days ( inclusive ) from the birth of Christ lands you on....February 2nd. ( Presentation Day )
Groundhog Day - because of Christ.
As Christians, we should consider the many holidays God has been watered down or removed from the celebration and to make every effort to share the real meaning!