Have you ever had someone try to tell you there's no way the Bible is real or that it is the literal word of God? Have they ever told you that there's no way that the word of God could have survived that long unaltered? Did you know what to say back? Did you know how to defend the Bible? Did you tell them about the hidden message left in Genesis by God Himself?
See you're always going to have people doubting the Bible and trying to disprove it. However, no matter how hard they try they always just prove it right more and more often. Over and over the more you dig deep into the word you begin to learn more and more. Today, I want to bring to your attention a little known study that Chuck Missler derived in 1996. Honestly, it's a little known nugget with major implications. This is something that should change your life and have you looking at each piece of scripture a little more carefully.
Almost everyone has read through Genesis and seen the genealogy up to Noah at the time of the flood. Most people will read through this quickly or even skip over it as if it didn't matter because it is just names, right? What if I told you that you never read that part correctly? See most people think that question is completely crazy. I mean how could you read it wrong? The thing is, some things get lost in translation. If you take it back to the original Hebrew you'll find that there's a deep meaning that was left there intentionally by God. God wrote the end from the beginning and I'm about to show you even more evidence than you originally had for that fact.
Let's break this down and look at the first 9 men listed that lead up to Noah and his family. The genealogy goes as follows: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Do you see the message yet? No, that's ok because most readers over look it too so let's see what each name means.
This is an easy one because God lays this out directly before us. Adam means man and he was in fact the very first man to ever exist.
Seth was the replacement son that was given to replace Abel who Cain murdered. See God appointed Adam and Eve another seed or son to make up for what was taken. That is why his name means "appointed."
This one here is a little more complicated because we actually have to look at the root word in Hebrew to understand its true meaning. His name came to be understood as meaning "mortal or frail." Coming from the root anash in Hebrew which means to be incurable" referring to a wound, a grief or sickness.
He was the son of Enosh and while it is not explained why he was given this name, his name can be understood to mean "sorrow." So doctrines and commentaries will try to make his name synonymous with Cainan but this is not the case.
Kenan named his son Mahalalel which comes from the Hebrew mahalal meaning "blessed and praised" and El being a name for God. Together this means "Blessed God."
Jared's name means "shall come down" which comes from the Hebrew verb yaradh
A name more people are familiar with. Enoch was a man who was said to have walked with God. Enoch played a very important role and was the first of four generations of preachers. His name means "teaching or commencement." Jude even quotes prophecies of Enoch, which involved the second coming of Jesus Christ and the ten thousand saints that would come with Him. Jude 14-15
Enoch begot Methuselah who was himself a prophecy of the Great Flood and its judgement. His name comes from muth meaning "death" and shalach meaning "to bring" or "to send forth." Together this means "who's death shall bring" referring to the Great Flood.
This is one that is more familiar to us because it is so similar to the word lament or lamentation suggesting "despair" or "despairing."
Again a name we are highly familiar with due to the story of the Great Flood and the outcome. His name is derived from nacham which means "to bring relief or comfort." This is explained in Genesis 5:29 by Lamech himself.
Ok so now that we got that out of the way, do you see the message? Have you found what God hid in plain sight to be a testimony to all who read His word. Do you see the message of the gospel in the genealogy? Below is what you get when you put it all together!
Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.
Hallelujah!! That is the best thing I ever heard! See God knew from the beginning that man would fall and that He would come to give us rest and salvation. No one will ever be able to say that over the course of thousands of years rabbis hid this message of the gospel and faked all the names to line up with the ministry of Jesus. Arm yourselves and spread this great and amazing truth that God gave us! Ain't our God just amazing?